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Better manage quality processes and capture test results for enhanced Quality Control for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and NAV.

Manage your productions entire quality process, capture test results, create rework orders and regulate stock to ensure faulty or below specification products don’t make it out of the warehouse.

Quality tests can be run on individual products, or batches of products and the number of tests run and the percentage of a batch tested are definable by the user, making this module suitable for all types of manufacturing.

Use Quality Control by MetaOption for a consistent, efficient way to assess and record quality metrics in operations.

What platfrom is Microsoft Dynamics running on?

Saas (Cloud)On-premises

Meta Quality Control


  • Flexible and all-round solution. Define a measurement on any table in Dynamics NAV, tailor check sheets to your business process.
  • Automatically determine sample size. Calculation based on the Acceptable Quality Levels method where the results of the sample inspection are applied to the complete lot.
  • Measurement registration for future analysis. When complete a measurement is registered to build a history for future analysis.
  • Tracking. The system tracks all the products and materials that will be used in manufacturing process. Also, any changes in the status of a particular product will be updated
  • User definable check sheets. Create Questions and Answers to be completed at measurement time. Set target values to determine Accepted or Rejected.
  • Automatic data snapshots. Use Business Integration Solutions to make snapshots of the data at measurement time.

Quality can be checked at many stages, from purchasing raw materials to delivering the final products to customers.
Broadly, these are defined into four stages as:

  • Purchase

    Maintaining a high-level of product quality by incorporating comprehensive inspection procedures of incoming material.

  • Production

    Unfinished goods are checked on the basis of many customizable parameters such as diameter, roughness, visual check, etc.

  • Sales Return

    Checking the quality of the goods returned by the customers due to various reasons and then transferring those goods to either accepted inventory, rejected inventory, or rework inventory.

  • Transfer Orders

    Checking the quality of the goods when you receive them from another location to yours so as to check whether any damage has been caused to any goods during transfer.


Quality Management provides the following Core Functions:

  • Test plan management (master data)
  • Test characteristic categories for the simple grouping of types of tests
  • Test characteristic management with extensive information on setpoints, test media purchasing, etc.
  • Test orders (movement data) with respect to any test objects (article, test media, fleet, etc.)
  • Tests can be used at any point in the system/process
  • Approval of test orders in purchasing or production (with a direct impact on availability)
  • Optional: control of testing accuracy