Introduction to MetaCaseDesk
MetaCaseDesk is basically a Microsoft Office SharePoint based ticketing tool. Moreover, it best fits with SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010 as well as with office 365 version of SharePoint Online.
It is a perfect tool for any company or organization using SharePoint and they prefer to use this case management tool to resolve their internal issues related to product and services. It is very true that multiple cases of MetaCaseDesk can be easily employed in the same case of SharePoint. It is the best technique to support custom fields, customize emails and even maintain a record of the issues very efficiently.
Benefits of Ticket Management Tool based on SharePoint
Some of the key benefits of Ticket Management Tool which made it popularize are listed as below:
- It’s a simple and cost effective solution with easy configuration process. It provides seamless integration with SharePoint application.
- As this ticketing tool is built on the SharePoint platform, you can rely upon its security features.
- This ticket management tool is password protected, hence only authenticated users can reach up to its dashboard.
- It ensures reliability in tracking the data transfer without any loss of original information.
- It supports powerful and secure server platform and reduces downtime.
Business Need of SharePoint Based Case Management Tool
The emergence of SharePoint based Case Management Tool helped to enhance funding justification and reduced chances of fraud. Case Management with SharePoint offer organizations with a tool in order to manage, capture and assign action against any kind of complaint, case, request for information, claims etc.
It is well known that any business organization has a wide range of customers scattered across various domains and countries. To gain reputation in the market, they adopt all kinds of marketing strategy and try to establish a good relationship with their customers.
Moreover, the organizations have multiple departments with multiple functions such as Administration, HR, and IT infrastructure departments. The clients are now interested in synchronizing the function of these departments and hence try to extend the benefit while communication.
SharePoint based Case Management Tool provides client to have a direct communication with respective department without any trouble.
Case Management System for Financial Industry
Case management for any kind of financial crime and acquiescence business level offers organizations a platform to address their business specific inspection requirement without losing information integration goals. Some of the crimes such as anti-money laundering (AML), know your customer (KYC), fraud and sanction filtering demand a robust investigation technique where a trained analyst needs to confirm or reject the findings of these automated systems. Integration of Microsoft with MetaCaseDesk resulted in improved case load management.
The most effective case management system eliminates bias from the resolution of cases and maintains consistency between different cases. Well-constructed case management software offers different metrics which help to enhance case management process as well as the process clarity required by good authority.
SharePoint Case Management in your Business
Case management system with respect to SharePoint provides your enterprise with several tools to manage, capture and assign action against different case, complaints, claims, etc. The key benefits of MetaCaseDesk in your organization are as below:
- Offers different tools for management of customer demand and complaints resolution.
- Helps to enhance case resolution technique.
- Offers very secure environment which means the information can be shared within the organization or outside organization based on access privileges.
- It offers organization to protect the integrity of data from any kind of unauthorized use.